Monday, May 19, 2008

Purple Nail Polish

Haha :) So I just got this cool new purple nail polish today :D I am so excited! It is crazy. When I opened it I thought it would smell like grapes. I have no idea why, because it's not supposed to. I felt stupid. It is the coolest color ever though.

The coolest thing though is that a stupid little bottle of nail polish put me in such a good mood. For some reason I am so happy. Maybe it's because my mom got it for me even though she shouldn't have. Maybe it's because it makes me feel pretty. Or maybe it's just because I am a girl, enough said. Haha I don't know what it is, but I sure am happy.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Ooooh I love new nail polish, and I'm with you on the thinking it SHOULD smell like grapes, even though it doesn't.
I always get really excited when I get a new pink nail polish. LOVE!